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Quince Restaurant in Thailand

Project Project Name - Quince Restaurant in Thailand

Project City - Bangkok

Project Budget - Around $85000

ProjectProject Profile

This is a restaurant with an open kitchen and three bars, namely Jackie bar, luka bar and qunice bar. All the bars are specially designated by customers.

ProjectProject Analysis and Communication

All the bar counters in this project are specially designed by customers. After making them locally, we put our equipment under the counter, or leave a gap for embedded. At that time, when the client's budget was limited, it was divided into two kinds of stainless steel materials to provide clients with a choice.

ProjectProject Design Scheme

The best is not necessarily the best, but the professional is good and appropriate.

Design drawings

Design drawings

Design proposal presentation

1. One of the highlights of this project is the display-type hot kitchen. The smoke hood for this project is wrapped with copper color to improve the beauty of display and decoration. Give customers a way to taste food and watch cooking skills show.

2. In the dirty area, considering the location of the restaurant, there is only one place for food out of the kitchen, which is the display area. Can not be used as a dirty collection. A dirt collection opening was opened in a corner of the aisle, reflecting the concealment of the recycling of dirty discs. Avoid interspersing customers' meals back and forth and dirty affect the customer's appetite.

ProjectConstruction and installation on the ground

Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground

ProjectProject Summary

This project is a restaurant with an open kitchen and a bar counter. Through the locally made bar counter designated by the customer, we design the equipment that matches it. In the limited budget of the client, provide the most suitable plan for the client.

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