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Chilliloco Fast Food Restaurant In Togo

Project Project Name - Chilliloco Fast Food Restaurant In Togo

Project City - Lome

Project Budget - Around $55000

ProjectProject Profile

This project is a fast food restaurant in Togo that specializes in chicken, burgers and pizza. Our one-stop house service completely solves the customer's procurement problem. Basically all kitchen equipment is involved, such as stoves, refrigerators, custom-made stainless steel products, baking equipment, dishwashing equipment and so on. There are also restaurant furniture and even decoration materials; tiles, floors and air conditioners are all purchased through us.

ProjectProject Analysis and Communication

Customers come to our company to visit and inspect the goods in person, expressing satisfaction with our products and services. The fast food restaurants of this project have a wide range of procurement requirements. Not only kitchen equipment, decoration materials and furniture products are purchased through us.

ProjectProject Design Scheme

The best is not necessarily the best, but the professional is good and appropriate.

Design drawings

Design drawings

Design proposal presentation

This project is different from traditional fast-food restaurants, which are prepared directly from outsourced semi-finished products. The feature of this project is that French fries, burgers, pizza, etc. are all raw materials imported and processed into finished products. So design special vegetable processing area, meat processing area, pickling area, bread preparation (kneading, proofing) area.

ProjectConstruction and installation on the ground

Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground
Construction and installation on the ground

ProjectProject Summary

This project is basically based on the processing of raw materials by itself and the kitchen design is multi-regional. Not only kitchen equipment, customers also purchased decoration materials, furniture and other products.

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